A Look at the First Half of 2013

I am very sorry I have not posted in quite some time, but life is sometimes too busy to engage in certain pleasures.  I cannot believe half of 2013 is gone already!  And what a half it has been!

If you remember, I ended 2012 by running a 5K and having an asthma attack.  That day I made a goal of making 2013 an attack and albuterol free year, and the asthma has been so much better this year, I made 7 months albuterol free...and counting.

This year has been surprising in more ways than one.  My husband surprised me with his desire to run again and he even ran two 5Ks, one in San Francisco and one in Weston.  He has been sidelined with shin splints but the fact is that he cannot wait to get back into it and that makes me very happy.

Like I said, my asthma is much better this year and my races and training have gone well.  I was able to finish 7 marathons in the first half of 2013, including one that was almost a PR and a full PR one.  All without a peep from the asthma.  I also ran several shorter races without issue.  Overall, 2013 has been good to me.

The Road to Chicago has started.  I am finishing Week 5 of training with 10 more to go and I am loving every minute of it.  The workouts prescribed by my coach are hard and I end up each one wondering how in the world I can do the next one but doing them I am and well too.  Overall, I want to PR in Chicago, not sure what my goal will be, but mostly, I want to have a good strong race where everything (except the asthma) is there.

Bring on 2013 Part II!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. after reading you blog i must have to salute you. its very difficult to run marathon while suffering with asthma. your story could be inspirational for many asthma patients


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