After the Break: Rebuilding

Hello!  Long time no speak.  I've gone through so much since I last posted.  Surgery, recovery, back to running.  I have been meaning to write a quick post as to my whereabouts but I keep running out of time, so here it is (finally).

Surgery was on Valentine's Day.  I had planned that date mainly because I wanted to finish three marathons before I had surgery.  It just never turned out the way I wanted to.  I did the Disney World Marathon with hardly any pain, but lots of breaks and walks, but then I got sick just before the Clearwater Marathon and it was a miracle I even finished the Half Marathon walking mostly the last four miles.  Then, I planned on doing the ING Miami Marathon (now called Lifetime Miami Marathon) and everything was so hard I quit at Mile 8.  By the time surgery week came, I couldn't even run.  I felt like I had gained 50lbs in this short period of time and running was so hard, it was no longer fun.  So, I didn't.  Instead, I used the bike as much as I could.

The surgery went well (I did have some issues post-anesthesia that I hope never have to repeat).  Too well.  They took care of 90% of my issue; the other 10% is still to be taken care of via medication (hormones) or lack thereof.  Hoping that is not the case, but I'll deal with it when the time comes.  My dad came over to take care of me, as the doctor expected me not to drive, move, or walk much in the first seven days, so my dad was here to help.  It was nice to have him around but after Sunday, I was basically back to normal.

Science and technological advances are an amazing thing.  This type of surgery used to take 6-12 weeks to recover and even then women couldn't run as far as 12 weeks out.  Shudder.  The first thing I asked for as soon as I was wheeled into my room was the iPad, as advanced registration for the Space Coast Marathon started while I was under the knife.  I was so out of it, my husband had to register myself because I kept pressing the wrong button on the iPad and crying when I had to start over.  Ha.  But registration was done and after that, I rested at the hospital overnight and felt great.

By Tuesday of Week 2 (10 days post surgery), the doctor gave me the go ahead to bike and walk.  At the time, I felt great, except the psoas major was pretty beaten up during the surgery and I still get some muscle issues today concerning it.  But, I still cannot press the area and my massage therapist cannot work on it so we're doing the best we can.

My first bike ride was of an hour.  Slower than normal but it felt nice to be out there.  I still took the full two weeks off work, mainly because I was tired and needed naps during the day, but by Friday of the second week (14 days post surgery), I was ready.  I still could not run for two more weeks (!!) but I was already walking with some running intervals as allowed by my doctor.  A follow call from my doctor at the end of Week 3 (21 days post surgery) indicated I was ready to start running and running I did.  The going has been slow but the miles keep getting stacked one atop the other.  Nothing hurts, and I no longer have that extra weight that kept me back.  And as another positive thing, no more migraines (so far!).  Woot.

The first week I only ran 4 miles.  I just finished my first full week of running (Week 4, 28 days post surgery) and although I planned on doing 15 miles, I finished 22, felt great, and even biked twice during the week.  Overall, I am back!

I go to the doctor next Monday (6 weeks post surgery) and I am expecting to be released to do weights and kickboxing.  I cannot weight to lift heavy weights again and work on my core, which although way smaller than it was before the surgery, it still needs A LOT of work, thanks to the fibroids.

I already have my first comeback marathon and training starts Monday (not at my usual mileage, mind you).  Unless I signed up for an earlier one.  You know me....


  1. Awesome recovery and happy you'll be back to training again!


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