2016 Miami Marathon (Ahem, HM)

I have done the Miami Marathon & HM for numerous years and never had a great experience.  It is always hot, it always has me puking or suffering, or something, and my PB for the full is 4:52 (HM PM there is 2:18).  So, it's a tough race for me.  So, I am not sure why I signed up for the HM last year during the blitz because hey, running it again would be crazy.

But, I did.  And I was considering switching to the full depending on the weather.  And the weather went from yucky, to OK, to PR weather.  So, I asked to be switched to the full and started my taper the week of.

I was looking forward to running in the 40s instead of the 80s.  As you know, my marathons in 2015 were all warm and I know I am faster than those results showed, but I never had the chance to run in perfect weather until now.

Since the days have been very windy, I chose on a camisole and a skirt, with my bolero and gloves for the start.  The windchill was 39F when I got to the start line and very windy, too windy for my lungs.  That should have been a foreboding of you're not going to have a good race. Oh, well.

I was assigned to Corral G this time and for the first time ever, I was in the Corral early enough to cross the entrance like a normal person instead of jumping the fence.  I chatted with a couple of Marathon Maniacs and Double Agents and we chatted about some races I am planning on doing in the future.  It was cold but doable.  We started around 25 minutes from the first corral.

As soon as I started, I got hot, so I shook my bolero and gloves and ran the rest of the race in my camisole and skirt.  Never felt cold at all, which has taught me not to bring these many clothes because then I have to carry it the rest of the way.

Mile 1 was going up the McArthur Causeway, so I took the mile easy, ending up with a 10:27mm, not bad, easy pace.  Miles 2-7 went really well.  Ran then by HR but also looking at the pace, and it came out as GMP, so so far, so good.  Go, me! Paces: 9:36, 9:30, 9:40 (uphill), 9:45, 9:45, 9:48.  Not bad, still within my paces.  These miles took us up and down the McArthur Causeway and entering at the Southermost spot in South Beach, all the way through 16th street, after which we would take a North turn and back South before heading back to the McArthur Causeway.  Even though this first half was harder than before (they changed the course), running through the bridge twice is not as boring as the other route, so good.

Mile 8 took us back to South Beach to head onto the McArthur Causeway.  I felt a bit tired but I was not worried about the 10:02 pace of it.  And then, I didn't feel as good anymore.

The wind gusts were brutal by then, and I started having deja vu moments from Las Vegas.  I felt better than Las Vegas but my lungs were taking a beating and Miles 9-11, up and down the bridge, became a shuffling and jogging that I still do not understand.  Paces: 10:16, 10:31, 10:47.

At this point, I cannot breathe well.  All I can think of is to get back to my car and leave.  But wait, I'm running the full.  How can I run another HM feeling like shit?  I made a promise to myself that if Mile 12 was as bad as Mile 11, I would just turn with the HMers and finish.  At this point I did not care if I get a medal or a finish time.  There was no other way to get back to the car!

Mile 12 and 13 didn't get any better.  When the turn for the full came, I just couldn't do it.  Couldn't turn there and continue running.  I didn't walk at all, but I could barely put my feet in front of the other, even though the paces were still at easy pace (nothing bad).  Paces: 10:37, 10:45.

The funny thing was that the wind had died down a bit when I turned to the finish line and I ran that last 0.26 in 9:07 pace.  But I had nothing left to give.

I was in a daze by then, and I remember seeing Ed, a friend of mine, telling me congrats, and all I could tell him was: I was supposed to run the full and continued walking without realizing it was Ed until further down the road.  I went back home and napped for 3 hours.

As of Monday, I have a fever.  I have been home since Monday afternoon and I have some sort of virus.  Of course, now I feel bad for having such bad luck on this race, once more.  It was the perfect day to run a marathon and do well.  But it was not my day.  My lungs are better today but the virus remains.

Apparently, Marathonfoto.com did not get any pictures of me from the race (so far).  This is all I have to prove I was there (and a finish time, thanks to the RD):


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