Chicago Marathon Training Week 3

I was very excited to start this week of training because it would be my first 50 mile week in a few weeks (it's been a while since I have felt good enough to run that much).  Last week I finally felt strong enough to train hard and was looking forward to the two quality workouts I had this week.

The first two workouts were done on the treadmill, mostly because Miami has been having a heat wave for the last few months and the last few weeks have suffered from heat indexes in the 100s all day long, so I knew running outside every day was dangerous.  Unfortunately, the treadmill gait made my knee swell a bit so I moved my rest day to Wednesday to rest for my first quality workout of the week, the Thursday MLR (Medium Long Run for the non-runners).  This was to be 10 miles with the middle 6 progressive (each mile faster than the last).  I ran before I start working (I work from home on Thursdays) and even then, the heat index was above 90F.  But fortunately, the sun was covered in some tiny clouds so it did not feel that bad.  I was surprised to hit great paces during the run, some that included Marathon Pace (MP) minus 20 seconds.

The rest of the week went by without much issue with the knee.  I could still feel it a bit swollen, and I felt the IT Band was a bit sore, but between the two Pilates sessions this week and the easy runs, the knee was great on Sunday, where I was to do 16 miles with the last 6 @ MP.  90% of the run successful, but I only did 5 @ MP for the following.  By Mile 10, the heat index was already at 93F, so I went to the TM to start my MP miles.  Unfortunately, the TM started making some weird sounds that caught the attention of my husband so he sent me outside to run until he fixed it.  I went out in that hellish, sunny, shadeless, humid, weather and hammered 5 miles at MP (by heart rate) and I hit great paces.  But, by the time I got back home for more water (man, it was hot), my husband said the TM was fixed and I hopped on it for the last mile.  Except my legs did not want to move fast anymore. So, I just cooled down and let it go.

Overall, last week was great.  This week I have a cutback week which includes running the Disneyland Half Marathon with my husband for fun.  It's a good way to recover from the tough week my coach gave me and to prepare for the one that is coming next.


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