One Bad Run Immediately Followed by My Best 8 Miler

Yesterday, I had a scheduled 9 miler run. I've done 9, 10, and 11 milers for the last 3 weeks so I was not concerned at all. Unfortunately, I spent all day on my feet, in heels, in court, sometimes even running from court to court. So, my legs were already tired. I also put the KTTape too loose so as soon as I started running everything hurt from the ankle to the thighs. I had aches in my calves, ankles, shins, everything. Wow. After finishing the 4th mile at my slowest pace in weeks, I decided to cut it short. My worst 4 miler ever most likely.

Fast forward to today. I put my KTTape (which became loose during the run, ugh), and I went out with no expectations for an easy 8 miler. This was supposed to be a speedwork session but since I've done no speedwork in 4-6 weeks due to illness, ankle, illness again, etc., I was not going to do mile repeats. But, I ran as my body felt like. First mile was off pace but way faster than the day before. Second mile was already sub-11mm. After that, I ran faster so that I did 5 miles @ faster than MP pace and very close to half marathon pace. I finished with a 0.15 walk. Legs feel great. I know I'm getting faster since I'm running 30 seconds per mile faster than pace for the last 4 weeks, but I won't know by how much until I have a good race. I've done several races since marathon training and all have been horrible (1 10K gave me a disappointing PR and the other ones involved a lot of walking, I even DNF'd a race), so this Sunday is one of my last ditch efforts at a PR and a good estimation of what my MP should be. I am about to start tapering and I still don't know.


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