OK, guys! It was worth the wait. Here is Chiqui's & Damaris' Down> & Dirty 5K RR (With Pics)

On May 1, 2011, Chiqui and Damaris participated of the Down & Dirty 5K, the first event of the Down & Dirty series held in Miami. We had tons of fun and we have pictures to prove it. The race was held at the Miami Zoo (on the outskirts really). We ran mostly through the trail left by the zoo vehicles (we guess for transporting animals).

As with our previous combined RR, we think the pictures show better what transpired. So here they are (please guys, don't drool on the computer)!

This is us before we started:

We started running through the trail around the zoo. The first part of the race was pretty boring, as there were no obstacles for almost a mile.

As we knew we would get dirty, we had no garmins and no iPods, so we are not sure how long we ran before hearing to Obstacle 1.

Osctacle 1: We climbed this little wall and continued on.  The conversation was lively, as there was a guy holding a hose and the following exchange occurred:

Damaris: Hose me Down!
Chiqui: That's What She Said.

Obstacle 2: The next obstacle was a tunnel. The tunnel was over rocks so halfway through the tunnel our knees were hurting badly and the following exchange occurred:

Chiqui: I'm getting off my knees right now!
Damaris: That's What She Said.

Here are some pictures of us leaving the tunnel:

Chiqui: Look, Damaris, a camera!
Damaris: Where?

Please bear in mind we are still clean!

Obstacle 3: Obstacle 3 was a mud pit. Unfortunately, there are no pictures of this mud pit. At the end, there was a guy with a hose. We hosed ourselves down. I had mud in her eyes. After I was hosed down, a girl came in running and smacked me with mud in her mouth. Yuck! And while I was hosing my mouth down, Chiqui grew impatient and was asking me to hurry, the nerve!

Obstacle 4: Obstacle 4 was a wall we had to climb. There are also no pictures of said wall. Chiqui yelled at the soldier: I need a step to help me! He just proceeded to yell at her to climb the wall or else. I think my pushup challenged helped me a lot because I jumped and pull myself up in seconds.

Obstacle 5: I am not sure whether this was Obstacle 4 or 5. We had a roped ladder to climb. It was fun but nothing too challenging. Also, there are no pictures.

Obstacle 6: To me, this was the second most fun. A sliding wall with a rope you needed to use to climb. Again, pushups helped and I was out of there in seconds. I took advantage of that to beat Chiqui and proceeded directly to the huge mudpit just by the finish line. As soon as I stepped in 1 foot of mud, my bandanna fell and I had to rescued it. Chiqui caught up with me, the nerve, so it became a race to the finish! I pushed on and left the mudpit before her, but she yelled that there was a camera so I had to pose!

Picture time!

I think Chiqui looks like a tough cookie:

While I look like I'm having a walk in the park (with horrible hair--thanks to the bandanna in my hand):

Then, I took advantage of the photographer to leave Chiqui in the dust. You can see from the pictures that I beat her by seconds. I came in at 42:33 and Chiqui came right thereafter.

After we crossed the finish line, we got a medal (dog tag), hosed ourselves down and changed.  Hosing all that crap out took forever. My old shoes and running socks went to the trash immediately (there was not saving them). The post-race party included cheeseburgers, chips, and sodas. Nice to eat at 9:30am!

We had TONS of fun. We are definitely doing this event next year, but I don't know about Chiqui, but I would do the 10K which had other obstacles including a lake crossing or something like that.


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