Another Week and I Feel Fine

Well, except for the back and inner thigh issues, which I'm already working with the chiro to resolve.  I'm also going to the spinal orthopedist to check the back and get a second opinion as to treatment.

Today I ran a 7 miler as a long run.  This was last week's long run until the crazy woman that inhabits my body decided to a half marathon race instead.  I took it easy or so I thought.  I ran by feel yet at every mile I kept seeing I was doing low 10mm to 10:30mm.  Finished with 7.28 miles at 10:34mm which is almost marathon pace and the miles felt too easy.

By Mile 3, the inner thigh/groin area started to hurt.  I stretched it after I came back and it almost feels normal.  I'll talk to the orthopedist and the massage therapist to see what else they recommend.

Tomorrow starts the mileage buildup again for marathon # 2.  I've asked some running friends and I've decided not to do speed work until the 5K in January and use the races I have on the calendar as speedwork for the week.  That way, I'll continue recovering from the marathon and running stronger and better than ever.


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