Choosing a Marathon Training Program

I am not a person that's undecided about every single decision. In fact, I tend to make decisions pretty quickly. However, choosing a marathon training program has me undecided two weeks out of starting.

And I guess the indecision comes from the fact that this would be my first marathon. I respect the distance, I fear it somewhat, but yet, here I am attempting what I thought was impossible for me. A MARATHON! Wow, the first time I said it out loud, I was like: "since when did you decide to do a marathon?" I never thought I would be able to run 5 miles at once least of all 26.2. But then, I started training for my first half marathon and within 3 months, I had done 4 half marathons. I now run 12-14 milers every Sunday. But yet, I still feel that I'm not ready. I wonder whether every marathoner experienced this on their first marathon.

So, here I am, two weeks before starting marathon training and I'm still looking...or procrastinating. Take your pick.


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