First Post, First Blog

This is my first post on my first blog. I used to keep a diary when I was young but I stopped writing thoughts, feelings, and emotions and I kind of miss it. So, here it goes.

To describe myself a little, I am 34, married, and mother of 4 furry creatures. I was never a runner and never participated in sports; I was a classical pianist. My life was spent in school and later at piano classes, homework, and 3-4 hours of piano practice. I was good; in fact, I was great. I never pursued a career in music although I know I could have. I don't play piano as often anymore and I kind of miss it. However, I've found my new 4 hour hobby: running.

Since I was never athletic, I never played any sports. If I run it was for a while, playing games, biking, and just hanging around with friends. I tried running in 2001 but I never liked it much because it was something I was not good at. In fact, I could barely run. But, when I started law school, I decided to find something to take away all the stress of life. So, I tried running again. For a while, it was just a hobby. Now to me, it's an obsession. For somebody that could barely run half a mile, I am now capable of running 15 miles without stopping. Next up, it's going to be my first marathon.

Thank you for reading (although I'm assuming you are one of a very few number who would be interested in reading my blog). I hope this little post make you know me a little better.



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