Missing Your Loved One

One of the things my husband told me this weekend is that he liked that I drove with him to Orlando because if I'm with him, the world seems less black to him.

That really touched me because he usually never says things like that. It also worries me because I'm not sure whether he would survived if I am suddenly not there. I can imagine him like so many couples that died one after the other, not being able to survive without their loved one.

Have we really become that dependent on our loved ones? Can be strong if we are suddenly all alone?

This year marks our 11th year anniversary. Who would have thought we would last this long? Us, who used to be acquaintances and got together just to have a good time, but ended up getting married nine months later. We've gone over some bad moments and lots of laughs but he still manages to surprise me from time to time. And sometimes he makes me laugh so hard I start snorting for hours.

I just left Orlando at 4pm and I am already missing my loved one.


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