A Well Deserved Rest Day and A Killer 10 Miler

After my back to back 11 miler, I had a little bit of soreness (a little, ha) especially near the hip area, which is the one that has been bothering me a bit. So, I decided to take a rest day yesterday to see what was what. It was nice coming home from work and having nothing to do until dinner time. LOL.

So, today I had an easy 10 miler (what's up with these double digit runs, sheesh!) and I did not know how my body would react. Nothing hurt anymore but, as soon as I started running, the foot I twisted on Wednesday (I had forgotten about that) started hurting. It did not abate until Mile 5. I went outside of the complex for a bit and ran an easy 4. Since mile 1 I knew I was running faster than the rest of the week even without effort. I took no water and made no stops until Mile 5, when I stopped by the house to pick up a Crank gel (awesome gels, BTW). Then continued on.

As soon as I started Mile 6, the body was flying. I did 3 miles at MP pace (I wanted more but the body decided to go back to the previous pace). I finished strong and sore, LOL.

It still amazes me what 10 degrees can do. I was stopping at every 2-4 miles or I took water with me and hydrated with more than 40oz of water during my runs at 84F or more. Now, I'm not even stopping and I'm not carrying water for 11 miles. Temps have been nice. I hope they continue.

A great run.


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