Day 27

It's a shame that the thunderstorms arrived again today, cutting my 7 miler into a meager 4.07, because I was finally pacing at normal easy paces instead of the stupid slowness that has attacked me since the Summer started.

So, I started the run after a nice nap. I've been so tired all week because of work. Good thing this was a cutback week.

Left the house at 6:45pm with the sky cleared after a thunderstorm in the afternoon. I decided to leave the complex (which is 7 miles long) to vary my run a bit. Ran on the sidewalks and paced great at 11:21mm (I was going much faster the last 3 but as usual my first mile is my warmup and slow). At Mile 3 as I was coming into the complex, the sky was completely black and I could see lightning nearby. I decided to push for another mile at least and as I was finishing it, the wind picked up and the rain starting falling. I would not be surprised if there was a tornado warning somewhere in Miami.

After I got home and hydrated, I did 45 minutes of kickboxing to burned as much calories as the 7 miler would have. It was a nice workout after all, but I miss running long.


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