Week 6 Has Started

After my first ever 20 miler, I felt fine. Almost no soreness, some issues with the ITB on my right knee, but otherwise ready to go. So, I decided to give a short recovery run a try, since I was on the verge of breaking into 200 miles this month.

So off I went and by Mile 0.53, the skies opened and I had to go back home. While I waited for the rain to stop, I finished 30 minutes of kickboxing which improved my legs a lot. Then I finished the 3 miler at a pace so slow, I think the turtles were passing me by. I finished Monday with some weights.

I thought that I would be sore from that workout today, but I felt even better. I had a 9 miler scheduled and the weather cooperated. It was cloudy and cool. A mere 84 degrees. Some sun but some rain and lots of clouds for the most part. I noticed the cool weather immediately since I was breaking sub-12mm as soon as I started. By Mile 2 I was breaking sub-11mm. I finished the 9 miles in 1:38:52 or 10:59mm, which is in the faster range of the easy pace. I am so ready for Winter to come.


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