Day 36 - Back to Back 9 Milers?

I was a little concerned about my schedule for this week. A 20 miler at the end of Week 5 and then back to back 9 milers on Tuesday and Wednesday. Yesterday's 9 miler went great but today I felt tired and sore. So I thought this would be a 2 hour extravaganza but it did not turn out that way. I started very slow and it seemed I would not be able to get faster. First mile was at 12:25, second mile at just 12mm. But then, the legs went ballistic and gave me 7 straight miles of sub-11mm. I can feel the temps go down a bit and the humidity has been low lately. So I'm finally running on pace. Thanks weather. Please keep going down until March.

Temp - 84F
Heat Index - 90F
Humidity - 57% (amazingly low)
Dew Point - 70F (lowest we've had in a while)
Goal Pace - 10:56 - 11:26
Actual Pace - 11:11

A little slower than yesterday's but considering it was almost 7 degrees hotter and I was tired from yesterday's 9 miler, I think this run was a hit.


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