
Showing posts from May, 2011

On Vacation and Running

Usually, when my husband and I travel on vacation, I cannot run.  There's just no time to run and my husband would not think of giving me time to run.  We always end up being on the road for 10+ hours a day and walking everywhere.  So even though I do not run on vacation, I exercise a lot.  Two years ago, we went to Italy and I ended up losing 4 lbs despite eating like a pig and eating dessert twice a day. This time, we were taking a cruise of Scandinavia.  A cruise = no 10+ hours on the road.  There's down time.  So I thought I would be able to run.  I did. I did not run much.  I ran between 25 and 33 mpw each week.  But I did some good quality workouts.  I had to use the TM most of the time, mostly because the deck that was measured was 100m long and there's no way in hell I could run 100 laps on it.  I would shoot myself.  The other deck was not measured so I had to guess the distance by time (the Garmin would pick up the satellite but it would pick up the distance o

OK, guys! It was worth the wait. Here is Chiqui's & Damaris' Down> & Dirty 5K RR (With Pics)

On May 1, 2011, Chiqui and Damaris participated of the Down & Dirty 5K, the first event of the Down & Dirty series held in Miami. We had tons of fun and we have pictures to prove it. The race was held at the Miami Zoo (on the outskirts really). We ran mostly through the trail left by the zoo vehicles (we guess for transporting animals). As with our previous combined RR, we think the pictures show better what transpired. So here they are (please guys, don't drool on the computer)! This is us before we started: We started running through the trail around the zoo. The first part of the race was pretty boring, as there were no obstacles for almost a mile. As we knew we would get dirty, we had no garmins and no iPods, so we are not sure how long we ran before hearing to Obstacle 1. Osctacle 1: We climbed this little wall and continued on.  The conversation was lively, as there was a guy holding a hose and the following exchange occurred: Damaris: Hose me Down

Lou Gherig's Disease 10K Run

No, this is not the Down & Dirty Mud Run RR.  The pictures are not up yet, so y'all going to have to be patient with that one! Today, I ran the Lou Gherig's Disease 10K Run.  I've run this race for the last 3 years and it's pretty close to my heart since this was my first 10K race.  The course is the toughest course I've ever done.  I don't know why this course is so tough.  It has hills but not like the bridges we do.  It has no shade in areas but others are well shaded.  It is probably the hot temps around this time of year.  The first time I did it, it was 86F, last year it was 84F.  So, it has always been a challenge. This is my goal PR race for the year with respect to the 10K.  However, I already got what I thought was my best time two months ago (54:03), so I was not sure I could PR again so quickly.  I ran this course a month ago at an evening race called the 1040 10K Run and got a course PR of 55:18, so a course PR became my goal. Pre-Ra