Chicago Marathon Training Has Started!
It's been a few weeks since I've checked in here, but I've kept my recovery from the Vitamin D deficiency going with low mileage and some relaxation. I also got homework from my coach in the form of running books. But not regular running books but those that deal with the mental aspect of running. The Vitamin D deficiency was a problem, but I also needed to work on my mental attitude while racing and it was a great time to dedicate for that. Out of all the books I read, my two favorites are Deena Kastor's Let Your Mind Run and Elizabeth Clor's Boston Bound . I learned a lot from those two books alone (all the books were great, but these two touched me the most) and I'm putting some of the recommendations into practice already. Only time will tell... I started marathon training last week and ran 40 miles last week, something I had not done since April or thereabouts. It was an awesome feeling going back to that mileage, but at the same time, it wa