Doral 5K, Excalibur 10 Mile Race and a 50+mpw. I'm back!

So, after last week's race and surprising time, I decided it would be nice to race this weekend too. You know, cause I'm stupid! The weather in Miami for March has been unbelievably cool, although next week Summer will be here. But the Doral 5K, a race that's run very close to my house, was going to be very nice and cool and would be a good way to get my miles in and get some speedwork to boot. I also noticed the Excalibur Run was not full this year and my husband and I needed a 10 miler as our long run for this weekend, so we signed up for the race last minute and planned to head to Central Florida on Saturday afternoon. Overall, a nice weekend of races. But, this being the week I could potentially go back to my normal mileage (around 50mpw), I did not want to miss the chance to run 50 miles this week to see if I was really back. So, I knew that the 5K would not be fast by any means, but at least I wanted to see where I was at, even if with no taper and...