A1A Ft. Lauderdale Half Marathon RR: Powered by KK Donuts, Mtn Dew, and Migraine Pills

Yesterday, I ran the A1A Ft. Lauderdale Half Marathon as a training run in preparation for the Paris Marathon in April. I am on Week 5 of training and it has been going really well, mostly because of the rare "Winter" down here, making my asthma nonexistent and capable of doing faster workouts than in prior cycles. So, this race came at the right moment to be able to gauge where I am going. I was not to race it, but needed to do 5 miles easy and the last 8 at MP (by heart rate). I had a cutback week this week, but work and life had me shuffling every run all week. I didn't run any of my runs on the days I was supposed to (except for the race) and, on top of that, I woke up on Saturday with a horrible migraine that didn't leave until I fell asleep on Saturday night and made me miss my 5 miler then. Suffice it to say, that I was afraid to wake up on Sunday at 4am to get ready for the race with a migraine. Fortunately, it was over by then. Hubby...