Paris Marathon RR

Short: On Sunday, I ran the Paris Marathon with a time of 4:34:11, two seconds off my PR. I am not angry at my time, but I am disappointed that once again, my asthma has killed my chances of having a good race. The time is really not important to me and a minute or so PR would have left me more frustrated, as I know I am much faster than this. But when you basically run the last half of the race at easy pace and almost PR after an asthma attack, there are some good things to take away from this exercise, right? Long: Two years ago, I registered for the Paris Marathon, only to have my husband switch jobs and canceling our vacation because he was unable to take the time off. So, this race has been on my sights for a while. The race is always held on the first weekend of April, unless that week is Easter week, in which case it moves to the second weekend. Unfortunately, I managed to register the year where Easter fell on race day so I ran a week lat...