
Showing posts from July, 2010

Day 5 of Marathon Training

Today, I had a 7 mile easy on the schedule. I woke up sick and considered taking an SRD until Sunday to rest. I woke up tired, congested, and without energy. As the day went by, my energy returned and I felt much better. The day was super hot (90 since early in the day), so I decided to wait until 7pm to start my run. Here are the stats: Weight: 164 Temps: 92F Felt Like: 102F Humidity: 55% Dew Point: 74 Pounds Lost: 2 lbs. Goal Pace: 10:56mm - 11:26mm Actual Pace: 11:44mm Distance: 7.04 miles The run was very nice in the beginning but I started to slack after Mile 3. I did not carry anything to hydrate throughout the run, since I was running near the house and I could get water or Gatorade at any time. I stopped at Mile 5 to catch my breath and then at Mile 6 went by the house to get some Gatorade. I usually don't stop but the temps and the cold I've been fighting directed my run today. I felt strong after the Gatorade and finished with a kick.

Day 4 of Marathon 1 Training

Today I had a 6 miles, 4 @ tempo scheduled. I knew it would be hard because is hot as Hades and I'm catching a cold. But at least I wanted to try. Here are the stats: Weight: 165 Temps: 89F Felt Like: 95F Humidity: 54% Dew Point: 71 Pounds Lost: 1 lb. Goal Pace: 9:23mm - 9:53mm Actual Pace: 9:36mm I did my warm up mile and all was well. However, I noticed I was out of breath at the end. I like that I chicked a guy who was surprised I passed him. He tried to pass me several times but since I was running easy it was very "easy" to push a little and kick him to the curb. I knew my chest is a little congested but I still wanted to see how the pace would feel. One of the girls from the running group was running an easy 3 at around my tempo pace, so she accompanied me. At mile 2 I told her to go ahead because I was going to stop. I coughed like 7 times during the 2 miles, I could barely breathe. So I went to car and hydrated. Rested for a bit and sta

Day 3 of Marathon 1 Training

Day 2 of marathon training consisted of a rest day. I was in GA taking the bar exam, and after the exam, all I wanted to do was have a couple of beers and relax. So that's what I did. So, today, I had another easy 7 miler scheduled. I traveled back home today and felt a little sick (I am catching a cold), so I was not sure how the run would go. I waited until 7pm because the temperatures were horrible and even then this is what I had to deal with: Weight: 166 Temps: 90F Felt Like: 96F Humidity: 54% Dew Point: 71 Pounds Lost: 2 lbs. Goal Pace: 10:56mm - 11:26mm Actual Pace: 11:15mm You can see how much difference humidity makes, since my run on Monday was in cooler temperatures but 30% more in humidity and I was pacing at 30 seconds per mile slower than this run. I'm very happy with my performance today; no chest or nose issues related to the cold. I'm sorer than usual but with the temps its understandable; every warm run makes me sorer than a cold run

Day 1 of Marathon 1 Training

Today I started marathon training for my first marathon (Nov. 28). My first run was done in the morning, since I had to travel to Atlanta to take the bar exam. So, it was too humid to even attempt it but you know me, stubborn Damaris! Here are the stats: Weight: 166 Temps: 83-86F Felt Like: 91-97F Humidity: 87% Dew Point: 77 Pounds Lost: 2 lbs. Goal Pace: 10:56mm - 11:26mm Actual Pace: 11:49mm That picture is how I looked afterwards. Those pants and shirt were not as dark as they seem now, LOL. Overall, a slow run but I finished. In this heat, that's what's important. I carried my Nathan Handheld 20oz bottle and drank as if I were doing my long run (at every mile). It was not enough. I had to stop at Mile 5 and 6 just to breathe. By the end of the run it was 86F at 8:30am so that's understandable. I definitely like running in the afternoons better. Although hotter, the humidity is lower so the run feels better.

About to Start Marathon Training

I'm about to start my first marathon training and I'm dealing with some issues. My long runs in the last month or two have been disasters. If they were distances I'm not used to, fine. But these have been my bread and butter for months and now I cannot even finish. I took 3 days off running and ran again today. The run was fine. Everything was good. But I'm still tired. I'm working, studying for a bar exam on Tuesday, and dealing with my husband's issues in Orlando (although those have almost gone away entirely). So I'm about to start a hard program and here I am still doubting my ability to reach the starting line. I'm well physically...but my mind is too full of everything else. I must focus and start on Monday. Wish me luck!

Questioning My Decision to Run a Marathon

I decided to run my first marathon in November of this year. I've been running pretty consistently at 45-50 mpw for the last 3-4 months and I have been running 12-14 miler long runs every weekend. Then, a month and a half ago everything fell apart. My 13 and 14 milers bunked at 8, 10, or something in between. I thought it was the heat but I've been pretty well hydrated throughout. I thought it was the fuel and that can still be it, but I doubt it. I think it's all the stress from the GA Bar, work, and the move to Orlando that did not pan out. All the phone calls, issues, arrangements, etc. I think that's it. Or at least I hope because, otherwise, I am not ready to do the marathon. But my previous training says otherwise.

Not Moving After All

Well, after a month of stress and moving the husband to Orlando, where I would soon follow, the husband decided to return home. This move entailed a lot of money and a lot of issues and it has all come down to nothing. However, I understand perfectly his decision; it just came at a bad time. So, for now, we are not moving after all. We're still Miami.

Rubio's Missing

There are several stray cats abandoned on our street. However, none other has captivated my heart than Rubio, the blonde skinny kitten. He's approximately 6-8 months old, yellow, and with green eyes. He found me one early morning as I was leaving for my long run and a relationship started. Several of my neighbors feed him every day and I feed him when he comes to my house and asks for me (he actually found out where I live, intelligent fellow). He always cries like he has not eaten in weeks (like I said, intelligent fellow, LOL). He's been missing for 3 days; that's the most he's been missing. We went out and look for him earlier today, to no avail. We just hope that he's OK. We love him even though none of us can take him in (I already have 4 cats and my neighbor has 4 as well). Rubio, come back.


Today I said goodbye to my husband for the 3rd time since he moved to Orlando. He did not want to leave; in fact, he procrastinated until 9pm and now he's on his way there in the middle of the night. Hopefully, I'll hear more about my future and when will I be moving by the end of this week. Wish me luck. That way, the goodbyes will be minimal and less painful.

Making My Decision

So, I made it. I am going to be running my first marathon using the Smart Coach plan. It is a higher mileage program than Hal Higdon's and I've used for my latest 10K and 5Ks and I've been shaving seconds like crazy. I think it's the best one for me right now. At least it should be fun to try!

Bad Runs

Today was a bad run. It's been a while since I've had one. But I do from time to time. The heat was unbearable and I could not breathe. It took every ounce of me to finish a simple 6 miler that I can do in my sleep. But such is the nature of bad runs. At least there is one positive thing about a bad run. Tomorrow, the run should be a good one. Night.

Choosing a Marathon Training Program

I am not a person that's undecided about every single decision. In fact, I tend to make decisions pretty quickly. However, choosing a marathon training program has me undecided two weeks out of starting. And I guess the indecision comes from the fact that this would be my first marathon. I respect the distance, I fear it somewhat, but yet, here I am attempting what I thought was impossible for me. A MARATHON! Wow, the first time I said it out loud, I was like: "since when did you decide to do a marathon?" I never thought I would be able to run 5 miles at once least of all 26.2. But then, I started training for my first half marathon and within 3 months, I had done 4 half marathons. I now run 12-14 milers every Sunday. But yet, I still feel that I'm not ready. I wonder whether every marathoner experienced this on their first marathon. So, here I am, two weeks before starting marathon training and I'm still looking...or procrastinating. Take your pick.

Missing Your Loved One

One of the things my husband told me this weekend is that he liked that I drove with him to Orlando because if I'm with him, the world seems less black to him. That really touched me because he usually never says things like that. It also worries me because I'm not sure whether he would survived if I am suddenly not there. I can imagine him like so many couples that died one after the other, not being able to survive without their loved one. Have we really become that dependent on our loved ones? Can be strong if we are suddenly all alone? This year marks our 11th year anniversary. Who would have thought we would last this long? Us, who used to be acquaintances and got together just to have a good time, but ended up getting married nine months later. We've gone over some bad moments and lots of laughs but he still manages to surprise me from time to time. And sometimes he makes me laugh so hard I start snorting for hours. I just left Orlando at 4pm and I am already m

I Hate 5-K Races But...

I continue exceeding my expectations! What do you do when you already achieved your 2010 5-K goal in May? You make another one right? And what do you do when you made the new goal PR? You smash it 2 months later!!!!! Goal PR for 2010 – 28:30 (Achieved in May) New PR for 2010 – 27:59 (Smashed today) New PR: 27:51 Long Version: Today I ran the July 4 th 5K race in Miami, Florida. I did this race last year and had my sub-30 minute PR here. So in January I decided this would be the race I would train for a 28:30 PR, which was my 2010 5-K goal. In May I ran a 5-K in Coconut Grove, Florida, in Week 2 of this 5-K training. I smashed the PR and ran 28:30. So, I decided to make a new goal of 27:59, hoping I would break it in December. I smashed it today. Pre-Race – This week has been blah for me. I came from a 52.20 mileage per week PB to not wanting to do my runs. We are moving to Orlando and DH is already living there, so I guess I was a little s

Random Thoughts

Ugh, the last 24 hours have been very hectic. Lots of errands, lots of hours in the car when it's raining. But, that's life isn't it? The rain stopped last night at around 7:30pm, so I was able to go out for a 5 miler. I've been very unenthusiastic about running this week; I think it's because my husband is not here. I never thought I would miss him that much, especially since we have a lot of time to ourselves, but alas, his presence in the house is thoroughly missed. The week has been stressful as well, trying to study for the GA Bar while taking hundreds of calls from the husband because I need to resolve all the issues arising in Orlando while he moves. I hate this transition period because I'm the one that must be at his beck and call even though I have other responsibilities. But, I am really excited about the move, even though Orlando was not my first choice. This move to Orlando has not been perfect. My husband hated his new job as soon as he sta

The "Joys" of Rain

Driving back from work I realized that I should have taken my running clothes to work and use their TMs. There is thunder, there is flooding, there was even a car on fire. I hope the driver made it out alive, though. So, I'm here, waiting. It seems that all I do is wait to see whether my runs will happen. Summers in Miami are horrible. Heat of 90+ degrees with feels like temps of more than 100. Humidity between 75 and 90%, and rain...LOTS AND LOTS OF RAIN. I don't mind the heat as much as the rain. Why? Because this is rain like no other. Inches and inches of rain that floods ever single street around my area. Which means no running route. One thing I'm certain is I won't miss Miami when I'm finally gone. Sorry to be a downer today but I wanted to run today, even if it's only the 5 scheduled miles. But here I am waiting...and eating...still waiting...for my run.

First Post, First Blog

This is my first post on my first blog. I used to keep a diary when I was young but I stopped writing thoughts, feelings, and emotions and I kind of miss it. So, here it goes. To describe myself a little, I am 34, married, and mother of 4 furry creatures. I was never a runner and never participated in sports; I was a classical pianist. My life was spent in school and later at piano classes, homework, and 3-4 hours of piano practice. I was good; in fact, I was great. I never pursued a career in music although I know I could have. I don't play piano as often anymore and I kind of miss it. However, I've found my new 4 hour hobby: running. Since I was never athletic, I never played any sports. If I run it was for a while, playing games, biking, and just hanging around with friends. I tried running in 2001 but I never liked it much because it was something I was not good at. In fact, I could barely run. But, when I started law school, I decided to find something to take