The Shamrock Marathon DNF Race Report

I have been super swamped at work, so I have had no time to write new race reports or blog posts. But here it goes. :) We had planned on running Shamrock to get Virginia for my husband in his quest for more states. I had heard this race is very flat (it is) and that it has great weather (doubtful), so I signed up for the full and planned on at least racing it at a good effort. As the time got near, the weather had turned to rainy and windy. When we arrived to Virginia Beach on Friday night, the rain had not started but as we woke up on Sunday, the wind and the rain were there to stay. We were staying in front of the start for the marathon and we could see the finish line for the 8K that morning falling down from the wind. The wind was brutal, indeed. I was already worrying about my lungs but thought the rain might calm the wind a bit. It didn't. We spent the day before the race shopping, eating, and just enjoying the area. There was...