Geist 5K (I wasn't going to race this, but...)

The title pretty much summarizes the race. I just came out of a great race last weekend where I beat my expected time by 1:48 minutes so I didn't think I should race this one. However, it's a race literally in my running route, my running group (FRC!) shows up in droves and the weather was perfect so I couldn't say no. My plan was to either to race it by effort or chill, as per my coach instructions. I wasn't sure what I would do even as late as when I crossed the start. This course is hillier than the one I ran last week. But it also contains some nice rollers with nice downhills. Mile 2 is mostly at a slight uphill so I wasn't sure how to race something that goes up half the race and then goes slightly up and down at the end. My left leg has been pissy for a few weeks but between my upcoming trial (tomorrow) and busy with other cases, I haven't had time to visit the massage therapist again. A staycation is upcoming and I can't wait. The race starts at 7am ...