2013 A1A Ft. Lauderdale Marathon RR: In Which Damaris Wore Gloves and a Long Sleeve And Still Froze Herself to a New Marathon PR

Today, I ran the A1A Ft. Lauderdale Marathon in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. There has not been a Winter in South Florida (at least in Miami) in more than two years, but we got a Winter DAY today. Only a day. Tomorrow, we'll be back to close to 90F weather by tomorrow. I didn't taper for this race and I didn't train for this race. This was part of my quest for a second star on the Marathon Maniacs and it was very cathartic to have the marathon that gave me the first start on the maniacs to give me the second star. As of today, I have two stars on the Maniacs, woot! This was a very tough marathon. It was low 40s at the start but with the wind at 23mph, the feels like was in the mid 30s. I decide to wear a long sleeve top and gloves, skirt, compression socks, and a buff-like headband in case my asthma would surface in the wind (it usually carries dustmites which are my downfall). So, I was ready for it but I didn't do anything out of t...