
Showing posts from October, 2024

Surgery and Recovery

 It's been a while, I know, and lots has happened since last I wrote my RR from London. A month or two before London, I started having issues with my right foot dragging while running. No pain or any indication that anything was wrong. Just before Easter, I had a run outside with hubby when I noticed my toe was feeling weird and when I turned the shoe, the whole big toe area had scraped off! It wasn't happening all the time by then, but this was the turnaround point of the issue. While it was happening once in a blue moon, now it started happening on and off during the runs. I only had two long run weekends left for London (back to back LRs on both days, like 16/12 and 18/14) and I still ran them well but shortened the run/walking to 30/30 seconds to accommodate the issue. And as you read, I finished London so success on that. The week before we left for London, I started seeing a chiropractor and PT for the issue. Both and many friends kept telling me that it was the back and