Miami Beach Halloween Half Marathon

Chiqui and I ran the Miami Beach Halloween Half Marathon on October 29.  This is the third year of this race and, if you remember, this is the race that I DNF'd last year due to the flu.  So,I invited Chiqui to do this race while they were running (aka struggling) through the 13.1 Miami Beach, where Chiqui informed me that she would NEVER sign up for that HM (or any other) ever again.  Then, Chiqui proceeded to sign up for this race and other Half Marathons as well, LOL.

I had been debating about what to wear, including what costume could I use.  Then, Chiqui told me she had purchased a devil costume and me and my big head thought: hey, I can dress as an angel and go as her nemesis!

So, off I went to try to find something runable and light, since it is still 80+ degrees here.  Both decided to treat it as a LR or training run, me because it was one week before the NYCM, and Chiqui, because she's training for her goal HM race which comes later this month.

The weather had been getting better during the two weeks prior to the race, so I (and I am assuming Chiqui) were relishing of running this race in good weather.  The gods were not happy with our plans so they sent a heat wave coupled with high humidity and flooding rain (we are still flooded, BTW).

The night before the race, the rain was so bad, I told Chiqui that it was most likely that I would not dress up because I did not want to damage my costume (I actually damaged it anyway, but that's not important at this time).  She was miffed that I would think of NOT running in my angel costume, so I braced for the worst.

But the morning of the race we woke up to clouds but not rain, high 70s, low wind, and LOTS OF HUMIDITY!  So, off we went and met at the starting line and started to put our outfits together.

The race was super fun.  We posed, we ran, we walked, we tried to find restrooms (there were hardly any throughout the course).  We even veered 0.20 from the course to find a public restroom at the end of Mile 5.  Overall, it is a race I will surely do again in costume.  Lots of fun to be had, lots of outfits that we saw and lots of male attention we both got.

And without further ado, here is the Miami Beach Halloween Half Marathon in pictures:

Costumes (I am sure Scotty Dog will be proud):
This is Chiqui's devil costume.

Another one from behind:

At Mile 3-4 at the end of the McArthur Causeway hill.  You cannot notice but I am soaked in my white costume and at some point in time, Chiqui tells me it's see through.

The medal for this event is always awesome (the RD gave me one last year even when I DNF'd).  This year is no different. It glows in the dark too.


  1. Fantastic report, Damaris! I love that last picture of you -- very good running pose. Congrats on enduring that humidity to run the race. I think I'd die if I did such a thing.


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