Michelob Ultra 13.1 Chicago Half Marathon RR
Why: Hubby is doing one half marathon a month to get higher on the Half Fanatics level and I don't have a marathon until July, so why not?
How: We had tons of fun and even though hubby was dealing with a groin issue after Mile 10, he finished his third fastest half marathon (out of six) and did pretty well.
We had tons of fun. I FEd with as many people as I could (sorry, Runny_Babbit, Jerry, you are going to be on my next trip to Chicago, fo shizzle - if that's how it's said).
So, here is the RR, in pics:
I arrived in Chicago at 11:30am while hubby was coming twelve hours later due to work. LRB, who was in town for business, picked me up at the airport and after many years of friendship, we met in person.
We met Mary at my hotel, checked in and went to the Navy Pier for lunch:
Fooled around town for a bit.
And later said our goodbyes.
I met my coach and RobinCD for coffee (forgot to take a picture), went back to the hotel, had dinner, and napped because hubby's flight was delayed
. We only had 4 hours of sleep before the race.
We took the 5:30am shuttle to the start, met my coach (NACN from the RWOL forums) who was pacing the 1:45 group:
I love that hat!
The temps were great. June and it was in the low 60s. Sunny on the way back but very nice. We made good time until hubby's groin started feeling sore so we slowed down to prevent anything bad (he has suffered from this since he was a teenager so whenever his bouts get too bad, we slow down).
Around Mile 12.5, we saw Dave Mari (who we see on every race and I'm surprised that he always remembers me and my name):
We finished enough for his third fastest half marathon. We enjoyed the free beer (well, what can you do, it's beer):
And enjoyed Chicago until it was time to leave. I love this picture because it shows why we really do this. Meeting people, having fun, what more can we ask for?
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