Back on Track, Somewhat (A Half Marathon Race)

I had signed up for this race thinking I would run my first marathon on Thanksgiving weekend, giving me extra time to get back on track.  So when I switched marathons I was like GULP! at the idea of doing a half marathon a week after my full.  But hey, I thought I'd give it a try.

It was very cold (low 50s), so I knew I could easily run a good pace because of the weather.  Unfortunately, humidity was 100%.

Of course I overdid it!  By Mile 6 I was on route to a new PR and I said NO!  You're supposed to take it easy.  So at Mile 7 I started walking the water stations.  That first walk really helped me get back on track.  After that I was running at sub-11mm with the walking breaks at the water stations.  I started enjoying the race much more after I dropped the pace by one minute.  Other than my foot falling asleep at Mile 11 making me lose 15 seconds retying the shoe everything went great.  Support was great, lots of water stations, and great after race party.

Garmin time was 2:15:47 which is almost marathon pace.  Although I was winded at the beginning (I still have some congestion), the pace felt much easier than during last week's full.  Go figure!

And the medal was awesome!  I did not expect one being that this race is very small.  It rotates too.


  1. What a neat medal! sounds like despite some of the conditions that things went well.


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