A Good 9 Miler But in Pain

There's something going on with my foot. Since I twisted it last Wednesday, it has hurt me. Not always. Once I reach Mile 5, the pain goes away like magic. I've iced it, rest it, etc., but nothing. The pain is not too bad although it's now at a 2 of 10. Must watch the foot and if need be, I'll completely rest.

So since I did an 11 miler yesterday at close to GMP, I decided to take it easy today. Even when I felt I was too slow, I was running on pace and running a perfect negative split, just as I've always done. So, the run was good but I had a bit of pain until Mile 5.

I've been running strong for 2 weeks. I'm surprised since Summer running has been horrible. With these runs I have hope I may be able to run my goal pace at the marathon.

Next week I have a half marathon. I'm shooting for a PR (better than 2:12, hoping for 2:10), but I'm not sure. Marathon training is tiring and this half has a big hill. But that won't mean I will not give it my all.


  1. Don't give up, that half marathon will give your the confidence boost you need When is your marathon?


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