Day 22 - Back on the Crosstrain Track

On Monday, I had an SRD (Scheduled Rest Day) and I decided to go back and cross train like I was doing earlier in the year. Kickboxing is a great workout for me and it helps me recover from the long run better.

I was surprised I had almost no soreness since the 18 miler. In fact, I felt great all day long. So, I decided to give cross training a go.

I've been doing the Turbo Jam series for years. I love Chalene Johnson and her mix of kickboxing, capoeira, and dancing moves. She just released the Turbo Fire workouts, which I think were designed as competition for the P90X workouts, which I also bought. Here is my opinion on both:

I did the first DVD from the Turbo Fire series, Fire 30, Stretch 10. It was awesome as usual. The warmup was exactly as Chalene's usual warmups and the moves felt familiar. I was soaked by the time I finished. I then did the stretching portion and went on to try the P90X ones.

I've heard so many great things about the P90X series. Everybody loves it. I didn't. I did chest and back and the AbRipper. They are hard, don't get me wrong; I just think the host is a little boring, especially after Chalene's personality and workout. Maybe it's because Chalene is perfect for me that I felt the other guy was too bleh. Anyway, I was not able to finish either of the P90X; the chest and back is too full of my nemesis, the pushup and the AbRipper was hard. I will definitely repeat the AbRipper but the chest and back was not my thing.

Overall, I wish I had done some more kickboxing rather than the P90X workouts. I will retry them but my first impression was not so good. But, they seem to work. I AM SORE!


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